Every Way to Cook a Chicken Breast (2024)

Hi, everybody.

My name's Amiel Stanek.

I'm the editor of Basically at Bon Appétit,

and this almost every way to cook a chicken breast.

This, my friends, is a chicken breast.

There are two of them on every chicken, it's lean,

mostly protein, a little bit of fat.

We're gonna take these chicken breasts

and cook them in as many ways as we can think of

so you can see the process and the end result.

Up first, baked chicken breast.

There's nothing that sounds quite as boring

as a baked chicken breast, but we're gonna do it anyway.

Just sling it in there at 350 degrees for 22 to 25 minutes.

Look at that, mm, yeah.

Definitely cooked.

So, as expected,

this is a pretty unappetizing looking piece of protein.

Normally, you're baking something

for a slightly longer period of time

versus trying to blast it with intense high heat.

That kinda heat just has more of a tendency

to dry out a lean cut like this

so you won't get a lot of color on it.

Baking is not really a term I would use

in conjunction with meat, generally.

Roasted chicken breast.

Okay, so baking was a little bit of a bust,

but we're gonna roast it now,

which is just baking at a higher heat.

Raise the heat to 425 degrees,

and this is gonna go for a shorter period of time,

18 to 20 minutes.

Alright, it didn't really brown as much as we were hoping.

I don't know if that temperature was high enough

to get exactly what we want,

but it looks a lot better than baked.

It would definitely be a different story

if we had some skin on there,

which could really take on some color

and get crispy and delicious, but yeah,

it's nicely cooked.

Nothing to write home about,

but there's also nothing wrong with it.

Broiled chicken breast.

So, we're not quite done with the oven.

We're gonna put the food very close to the heating element,

get that as hot as we can get it, and see what happens.

Normally, this is a technique that we'd use

just for finishing food, not the whole cooking process.

Alright, doesn't look too bad.

See, there's some nice browning

that we didn't get from the last two.

We got some color on the bottom,

which is kind of surprising, actually.

That is pretty much a perfectly cooked chicken breast,

I gotta say.

The grain is nice and tight without being super cinched up,

it's nice and juicy, it's slicing nicely.

So, if you're gonna cook chicken in the oven,

this is not a bad way to do it.

You know what sounds unappetizing?

Boiled chicken breast.

We're just gonna crank the hear, get this water boiling,

add a little salt to it 'cause we're not monsters,

and then we're just gonna drop this chicken breast

straight in there.

The thing is, as muscle fibers cook,

they can track and tense up,

and then any kind of fat or juiciness in between them

has the potential to end up, in this case,

getting pushed out into the water.

So, you're probably actually gonna end up

with better tasting water than you are chicken

at the end of the day.

This one has zero color

and is incredibly unappealing looking.

This is not a way to cook chicken.

Poached chicken breast.

This water is at room temperature now,

and we're gonna raise the heat over time

with the chicken breast in it,

which is going to cook it a little bit more gently

than the boiling method.

We kinda overcooked this.

It's still really shrunk up and seized up,

which is how you know that a lot of the juices escaped,

but at least it's gonna have some of the aromatic qualities

of those peppercorns, the bay leaf, the garlic.

You know, all in all,

not a terrible way to cook a chicken breast.

Braised chicken breast.

Technically, a braise is cooking something

partially submerged in a flavorful liquid.

So, the first thing we're gonna do is sear it, you know,

maybe five to eight minutes total

just to get some color on the outside.

Now, we're gonna add some onions, carrots, celery,

a little bit of garlic.

Once you see those brown bits,

we're gonna add some wine and nestle our chicken breast

right in there and bring it all up to a boil

and cover it for 15 to 16 minutes.

Well, it definitely smells great.

It's kinda weird to serve it without those veggies,

but we're just evaluating the chicken breast.

Braising is something you would normally do

for tougher cuts of meat,

things that have more connective tissue and fat

to render out and break down,

not normally how you'd cook something like a chicken breast,

which is a lean, quick cooking protein.

But, you know, it's actually pretty good.

You can taste the onion, taste the carrot,

taste a little bit of the wine.

Not the best way to cook a chicken breast, but not bad.

Milk-braised chicken breast.

This is kind of a cool method.

We're gonna braise the chicken in milk then add lemon zest,

making a sauce that's kind of a half whey and a half curds.

We're gonna drop in sage, lemon peel, garlic cloves,

and a cinnamon stick,

then we're gonna pour our whole milk all over that,

let it come up to a boil,

and then drop that temperature down.

Let it simmer for 20 to 30 minutes

on the lowest possible heat and voila,

chicken cooked in milk! (bell rings)

It really looks and feels a lot like

the braised chicken that we already had,

but it's perfectly cooked inside,

and it's got some of that dairy richness

and the aroma of the sage and the garlic.

This is probably one of the most delicious ones

that we've had so far.

Steamed chicken breast.

Instead of submerging the chicken in water,

we're gonna let the water boil underneath

and the steam come up. (bell rings)

We got no color, but at least it does feel pretty juicy

and we've got some nice, even cooking.

Microwave time!

Pop it in there,

make sure the microwave in set on high for three minutes,

and see what happens on the other side.

(bell rings) This is definitely

the least appealing chicken breast we've cooked so far.

Some might even call it corpse-like (groans).

Rotisserie chicken breast.

Alright, we're gonna...

Um, okay.

Uh, just get it...

I'm just gonna get it hooked on there.

Around and around she goes.

This is not a good idea.

(bell rings) Cutting into it,

it looks really dry and mealy.

Rotisserie, no bueno.

Alright, so we're gonna play around with the deep fryer now.

We've got our neutral oil at 350 degrees,

and then we're just gonna drop our naked chicken breast in.

You definitely wanna use a neutral oil here,

something with a high smoke point.

The thing that's cool apartment deep frying something

is that the heat is super direct

and it's all around the chicken at the same time.

The oil is heating and driving moisture out of the chicken

at a super consistent rate.

Okay, it's not looking so bad.

It's got a lot of color on it,

but I'm a little worried

that the exterior was kind of crusty,

and not in a good way.

It's actually fairly moist.

I'm not mad at it,

but this would definitely be even better if we,

say, coated the breast in tempura batter.

The coating protects the chicken and provides a shell

that's gonna trap the steam and juices inside.

We're gonna come back in about 12 minutes

and see what our chicken looks like,

making sure that we flip it halfway through

'cause it's not fully submerged.

That's like a perfect medium well.

You've got that cool kind of crackly exterior,

you've got that crispy crust.

Very juicy looking inside.

That's perfect.

This is a pretty great way of cooking a chicken breast.

Okay, so this is more a country-fried chicken breast.

Get it in the seasoned flour then into some beaten egg,

and then we're gonna put it back in the flour

so you can develop a nice, thick coating.

We're gonna get that in 350 degree oil for 10 to 15 minutes

and then we're gonna turn it after about five minutes.

Okay, there is no possible way

that you can look at this country-fried chicken breast

and not think it looks delicious.

Has a ton of texture, it's crispy, it smells great,

it's nice and juicy on the inside

and because we weren't directly exposing the meat to heat,

you don't dry it out.

And instead, it's got this protective, delicious,

edible shell, kind of like we did with the tempura.

My name is Amiel, and I endorsed this method.

Seared chicken breast.

Alright, I'm just gonna get this pan real hot,

a little olive oil in there,

salt on the chicken, and slap it in.

Chicken breast works better with gentle cooking methods,

but the pay off will be

that we can manage to get the exterior nice and crusty,

then we can keep it juicy and tender on the inside.

This seared chicken breast definitely has more color

on the outside than previous iterations,

but we may have actually burned it a bit on this side.

Feels tender, it's got a little bit of pink on the inside,

so this is definitely gonna be one of the juicier,

tastier ones.

Next up, we've got the old college dorm room delight,

the George Foreman Grill.

We're gonna slap it on here

and it's gonna make sure there's kind of a direct heat

on all parts of the chicken.

This'll probably go for about 10 minutes.

So, look, I mean, this has got those grill marks

that you see in a commercial chicken breast.

This actually might be a great method for cooking chicken

because you've got that nice direct,

but moderate heat on both sides.

You've got some browning, the inside is nice and juicy.

Really not a bad way to cook chicken breast

if you don't have a kitchen.

Hot salt block cooked chicken breast.

Here we got a pink Himalayan salt block ripping hot.

It's kind of like a cast iron,

just kind of a silly way to cook a chicken breast.

I feel like there are probably other things

that the salt block is better for,

but at least the flavor is spot on.

Chicken breast under a brick.

We have this pre-heated brick

that we're gonna plop right on top.

You know, it actually looks pretty good inside,

nice and moist,

and that exterior might be a little bit leathery,

but it definitely cooked quickly

and we got good color on one side, at least.

Ironed chicken breast?

Say you're in a hotel room, wanna cook some chicken breast.

You've got an iron. (bell rings)

You know, it's actually, it's not that bad.

You've got nice sear and color.

I don't know that I would fully endorse the iron

as a method for cooking chicken breast,

but it's not the worst thing that you could do.

Air-fried chicken breast.

So, what you're looking at right now is an air-fryer.

It's a kind of gadget that circulates air around with a fan

to try and mimic the deep frying process.

Alright, so we're gonna set this to 390 degrees,

and we're gonna let it go for about 13 minutes.

And yeah, that looks like a cooked chicken breast, alright.

You know, and it feels pretty good.

We've got these kind of spots on it,

which I guess could pass

for some kind of browning or coloring.

The inside's looking pretty okay.

A bit leathery, but on the whole, this gets a passing grade,

but like a C, not like a B plus.

Everybody loves an instant pot.

It's basically just a pressure cooker

with a lot more buttons on it.

We're just gonna throw the chicken breast in there

with a little bit of water, some salt.

There we go, 10 minutes.

It's really nothing to write home about,

but it was cooked with pressurized steam

instead of regular steam.

When you have it in that steamed pot,

you can't really check on it, which is a bummer.

This method really works a lot better for fattier meats

or things that want a slow braise.

I'm not really impressed.

Slow-cooked chicken breast.

The whole idea behind a slow cooker

is that it maintains a low heat for a long period of time.

We're gonna add some celery and carrot,

which is gonna add a little bit of sweetness, some parsley.

We're gonna pop that lid on,

and we're gonna cook it on low heat for two to three hours.

If this was a chicken thigh, this would be falling apart,

juicy, tender, but instead, it's falling apart, dry AF,

and doesn't have that much going on.

Maybe if you're the kinda person who likes dry,

shredded chicken tacos,

this would be a great way to cook chicken,

but if you like food, this is a bad way to cook chicken.

So, here were have a Romertopf.

It's a German clay pot.

We're gonna put the chicken and some aromatics

then a little bit of liquid in here,

and then we're gonna put it in the oven

and let the temperature slowly come up.

It'll be that nice, even heat over the course of 45 minutes.

Alright, so after all of that,

the clay pot chicken breast looks pretty much the same

as the poached and steamed and boiled.

One thing that's hard is we weren't able

to really monitor what's going on,

so you just kinda set it and hope that it's done at the end.

This actually looks a little bit dry and overcooked,

but at least it smells nice.

So, that's something.

Sous vide chicken breast.

Sous vide literally means under a vacuum.

This device is called an immersion circulator,

and it's gonna keep that water at a consistent 150 degrees.

You're gonna seal your chicken breast in an airtight pouch

and let it sit until the chicken comes up to temp

in about three hours.

There is absolutely no chance of overcooking

because the water is gonna stay

at that same temperature the entire time.

Alright, chicken's sous vide. (bell rings)

It looks pretty much the same

as the other moist cooking methods,

but it feels extremely tender.

It's like perfectly cooked,

but kind of in a spooky ghost-like way,

which is why people tend to sear things

after they've cooked them sous vide.

It may not be exciting, but you're gonna nail it every time.

Okay, so we're gonna use this gadget called a Searzall.

It's really a diffuser that you attach

to a regular camping torch

so you're not hitting food with a direct jet of flame.

I have no idea how long this is gonna take.

Normally, you'd use the Searzall to brown something

that had already been cooked,

but here we're gonna use it

to actually cook this chicken breast all the way through.

That char is definitely more on the burnt side

than the brown side. (bell rings)

It's not got that caramelized flavor that we're looking for,

and it's definitely a little bit over.

This method is super hard to control,

so I don't know that I would recommend it.

Dehydrated chicken breast.

Look, I've never dehydrated a chicken breast before,

but the idea is, alright, you've got this dehydrator,

it's just a box with a fan

and it's got a small heating unit in it

so you can set it to an extremely low temperature.

We're gonna put the chicken breast in,

and then we're gonna leave it for 24 hours and come back,

and hopefully that will slowly drive out the moisture.

That does not look like food.

That is not food.

That was chicken, and now it is a piece of wood or rock.

Don't really think that anybody should eat this,

and I actually don't know if there is a way to eat it.

This isn't edible, do not do this.

Now, en papillote. So, we have this nice little

heart-shaped parchment situation,

and we're gonna get that chicken breast in there

and hit it with a little bit of salt, some aromatics,

just some lemon and thyme,

and we add a splash of wine so it kind of steams

and puffs up in this little parchment paper pocket.

We're gonna cook this bad boy at 350 degrees

for about 28 minutes

'til the packet kinda puffs up a little bit

and we can just see a little bit of steam escaping.

And it's puffed, we got a puffed papillote.

(bell rings) Smelly really good,

super lemony and kind of herbaceous.

This has promise.

Those aromatics didn't have a whole lotta time to penetrate,

but definitely a cooking method

that lends some flavor to the meat.

Alright, more French.

Poulet au pain.

I don't know, chicken in bread, I think.

We got some puff pastry here.

We're gonna put the chicken breast in there

and make a little chicken pop tart,

crimp the edges with a fork so it stays nice and tight,

brush it with a little bit of egg wash

so it gets nice and gloss, and once it's sealed,

we're gonna pop it into a 375 degree oven

for about 25 minutes.

Mm, chicken hot pocket. (bell rings)

It's nice and brown, smells real buttery.

It actually looks like the bottom puff pastry

absorbed a little bit of that chicken liquid,

so it's not quite as cooked as we might want it to be,

but it did trap the heat in.

What's not to like?

This is a good way to eat chicken.

Salt-baked chicken breast.

This is just salt that's been mixed with beaten egg whites

to kind of the consistency of wet sand.

We're gonna pack the chicken breast in it,

pop it in a 400 degree over for about 40 minutes.

At this point,

you can definitely see that there's kind of more browning

around the edges where there isn't chicken.

So, this method is definitely better

for a skin-on piece of chicken.

That salt kind of drew some of the moisture

actually out of the exterior.

This isn't awful.

It's definitely a little bit overcooked,

and the saving grace of this method may just be

that the chicken is very well-seasoned, even if it is dry.

Ah, the great outdoors.

Propane grill.

We've got these grated pre-heated over medium high heat,

and we're just gonna set the chicken breast

straight down there.

The thing about a propane grill

is that it's super convenient.

You don't have to wait for it to get going.

You tend to get these grill marks

that kinda make it look like a TV commercial,

but we don't get the kind of even,

all over caramelization

that you might get from a charcoal grill.

But it's juicy, it's tender, it's tasty.

At the end of the day, it's a chicken breast cooked outside.

Smoked chicken breast.

Alright, we're gonna sling that chicken breast

directly in there and let it go at 225

for an hour and a half to two hours.

Alright, let's unlock this thang, and the chicken,

it definitely has gotten a lot darker.

It smells like smoked food.

You can already tell cutting into it

that it's a little bit on the dry side, a little bit tough.

I think this would've been really delicious

if it was a bigger chicken breast

or a bone-in chicken breast.

Cooked this way, it's a bit dry on the outside,

but the flavor is really delicious and smoky.

Coal-cooked chicken breast.

Okay, so we got our charcoal grill going,

we've got chicken, we've got tin foil.

We're gonna wrap it up.

Some people might call this a hobo pack,

some people might call it a steamboat,

but the idea here is that we're gonna seal it

and we're putting it directly on the coals.

So, you've kinda got direct heat on one side,

but then the chicken juices are steaming

and creating a moist, hot environment

that'll eventually cook the chicken.

It's up to temp,

and it's almost got a little bit of browning

on the bottom side where it was in contact with the coals.

If you were camping,

this wouldn't be a horrible way to cook it,

but you'd probably wanna incorporate

some aromatics into the situation.

What could be better than cooking chicken outside?

Campfire cooked chicken breast, Boy Scout style,

just above the flames,

kind of like you're cooking a marshmallow.

Turn it around like a hot doggie.

It's kind a like a chicken lollipop.

Alright, chicken a la stick.

I roasted this over the fire,

it actually has some nice color on it.

Let me get rid of this stick here.

Okay, it actually looks nice and juicy,

just a little bit of pink in there.

Got that nice band of smoke around the edges.

Let's see how this tastes.

It has a nice kind of smoky, wood roasted flavor.

This actually may be one of the best methods we've done yet.

Alright, a few takeaways.

One, that boneless, skinless chicken breast

is kind of always going to be at a disadvantage

for direct heat cooking methods

because you don't have any skin or bone

or any kind of insulation.

Two, because chicken breast is super lean,

it doesn't love the super low and slow method,

but low is a good way to go.

And three,

chicken breast is always kinda gonna be a blank canvas.

It wants some extra flavor applied to it,

whether that's in the form of aromatics in a braising liquid

or some kind of marinade or glaze.

And that's it,

that's almost every way to cook a chicken breast.

I personally cannot look at another chicken breast

for another year or so, so if you come up with a better way,

you can just go ahead and leave it in the comments.

I'll find it eventually.

(fire roaring)

Every Way to Cook a Chicken Breast (2024)


How many ways can you cook chicken breasts? ›

Learn exactly how to cook the perfect chicken breast four different ways! In this step-by-step tutorial for cooking chicken breast you'll perfect baking, grilling, poaching and slow cooking so that you can use chicken in your favorite recipes.

What are the many ways of cooking chicken? ›

One of the most versatile foods on the planet, chicken can be roasted, baked, grilled, sautéed, braised, or fried. Whether you've never cooked a chicken before, or you're looking for a new twist on the same old bird, here's the ultimate guide on how to cook chicken.

What is the secret to cooking chicken breast? ›

Chicken breasts must be at room temperature before going in the pan as cold chicken can cook unevenly and tends to be tough. Allow the chicken breast to sit out for 20 minutes. That should do the trick.

How many chicken breasts is enough? ›

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) Healthy U.S.-Style Eating Pattern recommends the average person eat 26 ounces of poultry (including chicken) per week. Per day, this would be roughly the same as eating 3.5 ounces of chicken breast.

What are the methods of cooking? ›

There are many methods of cooking, most of which have been known since antiquity. These include baking, roasting, frying, grilling, barbecuing, smoking, boiling, steaming and braising. A more recent innovation is microwaving. Various methods use differing levels of heat and moisture and vary in cooking time.

How to cook chicken breast so they are tender and juicy? ›

Heat up a skillet or grill pan over medium-high heat and add a touch of oil. Place the seasoned chicken in the pan and make sure it sizzles. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the chicken for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, until it reaches an internal temperature of 165F.

What's the best way to cook chicken breast so it doesn't dry out? ›

Make sure your chicken breast is well-seasoned before adding it to the pan. Cook each side evenly until brown. Once done, bake the chicken breast in a pre-heated oven until juices run clear. The crispy skin from the sear will help keep juices intact while baking cooks the insides through without drying them out.

How to make chicken breast taste good? ›

Here are 7 tricks to make chicken breasts taste better and even totally delicious.
  1. Cook them right. Most people get scared and overcook chicken breasts, cooking out all the moisture and leaving them tough and dry. ...
  2. Marinate them. ...
  3. Cut them thin. ...
  4. Fry them. ...
  5. Stuff them. ...
  6. Shred them. ...
  7. Use the right pan.

How to cook chicken better? ›

Follow the tips on our list to ensure that your baked chicken turns out succulent and tender, no matter the cut.
  1. Try a Brine. ...
  2. Season Generously. ...
  3. Make Herbs Your Friend. ...
  4. Add Succulence with High-Temperature Fats. ...
  5. Bake It at a High Temperature. ...
  6. Bake It for the Right Amount of Time—No More, No Less. ...
  7. Try a Sauce.
Dec 29, 2020

Why cook chicken all the way? ›

Some proteins, like lamb, beef, and pork, are safe to eat when prepared rare or medium rare. But to avoid getting sick, it's important to always cook chicken thoroughly until it's done. How do you know when chicken is cooked all the way through? By checking its internal temperature.

How long should you cook chicken breast? ›

For general chicken breast baking times, follow these ranges:
  1. 20 to 30 minutes for large boneless, skinless chicken breasts cooked in a 375 degrees F oven.
  2. 35 to 40 minutes for large bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts cooked in a 375 degrees F oven.
Mar 29, 2022

What is the healthiest way to cook chicken breasts? ›

Here are five of the healthiest ways to cook chicken.
  1. Poaching. Poaching is a healthy cooking method that involves gently simmering food in liquid, like broth or water. ...
  2. Steaming. ...
  3. Boiling. ...
  4. Pressure Cooking. ...
  5. Roasting.
Apr 23, 2024

What are the suitable cooking methods for chicken breast? ›

For the Juiciest Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
  1. Oven-Roast at 425 Degrees Fahrenheit. The Method: Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. ...
  2. Stovetop Low-and-Slow. The Method: Heat a large sauté pan over a medium-high flame. ...
  3. En Papillote. ...
  4. Stovetop-to-Oven. ...
  5. Braise. ...
  6. Poach. ...
  7. Butterflied, Pounded, and Pan-Seared. ...
  8. Microwave.
Jan 18, 2020

What are the 5 methods of cooking poultry? ›

Cooking methods for meat and poultry are generally divided into moist heat and dry heat methods. Moist heat includes stewing, braising, poaching, boiling, steaming and frying. Dry heat includes grilling, broiling, roasting, sauteeing and baking. Different cuts are suited to different cooking methods and recipes.

How many different ways are there to eat chicken? ›

There are countless ways to prepare chicken for a meal. You can grill it, bake it, fry it, roast it, or even cook it in a slow cooker. Each method offers a unique flavor and texture to the chicken, allowing for a variety of options when it comes to meal preparation.


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.