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07/06/1951 15:38 - Adjust -4.00 - Julian day 2433834.32
09/03/2024 03:39 GMT - Julian day 2460556.65

Free Astrology Reports Online (1)SunFree Astrology Reports Online (2)OppositionFree Astrology Reports Online (3)N Node0°24'-172
Free Astrology Reports Online (4)SunFree Astrology Reports Online (5)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (6)I ASC0°27' 364
Free Astrology Reports Online (7)MoonFree Astrology Reports Online (8)OppositionFree Astrology Reports Online (9)N Node0°22'-153
Free Astrology Reports Online (10)MoonFree Astrology Reports Online (11)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (12)I ASC0°19' 355
Free Astrology Reports Online (13)MarsFree Astrology Reports Online (14)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (15)Venus0°10' 251
Free Astrology Reports Online (16)MarsFree Astrology Reports Online (17)ConjunctionFree Astrology Reports Online (18)Mars2°55' 340
Free Astrology Reports Online (19)MarsFree Astrology Reports Online (20)ConjunctionFree Astrology Reports Online (21)Lilith1°20' 208
Free Astrology Reports Online (22)JupiterFree Astrology Reports Online (23)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (24)Pluto0°52' 99
Free Astrology Reports Online (25)JupiterFree Astrology Reports Online (26)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (27)X MC0°30' 90
Free Astrology Reports Online (28)UranusFree Astrology Reports Online (29)SextileFree Astrology Reports Online (30)Mercury0°36' 194
Free Astrology Reports Online (31)UranusFree Astrology Reports Online (32)TrineFree Astrology Reports Online (33)Saturn0°29' 66
Free Astrology Reports Online (34)NeptuneFree Astrology Reports Online (35)OppositionFree Astrology Reports Online (36)Saturn2°14' -90
1967 -415 1552

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

340 Conjunction Mars - Mars

Flowing short-term aspect: You are especially energetic and full of get-up-and-go right now. You can feel recharged on energy levels. You are making important decisions, with the necessary forethought. No rushing in to things! You tend to succeed in whatever you carry out, and at the projects currently at hand. You are optimistic, perhaps unflappable. Your sexual or competitive instincts are aroused.

You have excellent rhythm and timing right now. You are confident, straightforward, direct, and ambitious. You might enjoy competition at this time in your life. Enthusiasm runs high, and you easily find motivation to do something physical or brave.

251 Sextile Mars - Venus

Positive short-term aspect: Your loving feelings are wide awake. You are attracted to a love interest's charms and might easily fall for someone or for a dream of love. These feelings are more physical than intellectual. Your senses awaken, and you can feel in top form, wanting to socialize or do something fun and exciting. You are strongly focused on creativity, love and/or sexuality right now. You can be filled with the desire to create something wonderful or beautiful. Your personal appeal is stronger, and you may feel freer to express yourself.

208 Conjunction Mars - Lilith

Positive short-term aspect: This aspect lasts a few days. You are likely to feel in control, in outstanding health, and in exceptional form if other transits active in your life allow. You are inclined to throw yourself wholeheartedly into things to achieve your objectives. You can enjoy great successes now, overcoming even the most stubborn resistance. A good time for you, and you must take advantage of it to build up reserves for leaner times in the future.

194 Sextile Uranus - Mercury

Positive long-term aspect: You may thirst for knowledge during this long-term trend. A very good time for intellectual work. You have bright ideas and the help of your intuition that enables you to realize your plans or your new schemes. You are interested in anything new, particularly on a mental level. You're especially attentive to discoveries, new thought, and innovations.

You may want to travel and, if you can afford the journey of your dreams, it can be an incredibly rich experience with fruitful discoveries. You are likely to meet interesting people and form exciting friendships.

This can be a time when applying modern technology to your old methods can work wonders, or you might update your work methods to streamline them. Discussions can offer refreshing viewpoints and may allow you to explore some far-out ideas. Your mind awakens in some way. Scientific advances can bring some major breakthroughs into your life and a door could open up for you when least expected, saving the day.

Sudden invitations, insights, and inspirations are in store. This can prove to be an exciting time for you when interesting encounters and increased mental activity figure strongly.

This transit may very well have you buying or investing in a new device, or if you already have one, you expand your abilities with it. Unexpected communications can arrive now, and the phone may never stop ringing. There can be frequent short trips. Dreams can bring new insights to you, perhaps something you have never considered before.

This transit favors the study of science, technology, yoga, metaphysics, and astrology, or you may begin to teach, give lectures, and do some creative writing. New friends, unexpected good news, and sudden short trips fall under the influences of this transit. You are very intuitive and telepathic now. Some things seem to go wrong and then they go right to save the day when least expected during this transit, and you're likely to find that adventures lie in everyday short trips.

Sudden intuitive insights that border on genius can arrive now. There can be changes in a friend's life that affect your life. This transit favors the opening of formerly unopened doors and breaking the chains that bind you to the past.

99 Sextile Jupiter - Pluto

Positive longer-term aspect: Events occurring now put you in touch with your deeper desires and perhaps your darker side. It's a time of useful and perhaps intense self-discovery. You can be impatient with the superficial. You are extremely resourceful and might come up with a great idea for a new venture. It's a good time for business, attracting customers, making sales, and improving your reputation or recognition.

90 Sextile Jupiter - Midheaven

Positive longer-term aspect: A time to make progress and achieve what you intend on the professional level. You know how to grasp your opportunities. You may succeed more through the support of friends and colleagues than by your own personal qualities at this time. Obstacles may fall out of your way. Your reputation gets a nice boost. A time of more meaningful work or sense of purpose.

-90 Opposition Neptune - Saturn

Challenging aspect: You may be easily discouraged during this long-term transit. The least amount of activity may seem to be beyond your strength until you rediscover your motivation or inspiration--the higher purpose of this transit. You may not feel up to assuming your responsibilities. In extreme cases, you may feel incapable, demoralized, and tired of everything or depressed, and this may be because you see everything for the worse. Holidays are recommended. There could be a tendency to view your accomplishments as having almost no substance, but this can lead you to find more meaningful tasks or to refine current ones.

Be cautious, since a false set of ideals can mislead you at this time, and it can be wasteful, causing you to neglect your responsibilities and get lost in what is likely to end up being a time-waster.

66 Trine Uranus - Saturn

Positive aspect: You might suddenly and finally realize a long-term goal or plan, after long and painstaking work during this long-term transit. This can also be a time when you bring a spirit of innovation to your work. It's time for a major update! While you might be impatient at times with stodgy, outworn, and outdated attitudes or systems, the changes you make now can be very rewarding. Try to be patient as you make changes. Inspire others, rather than instruct.

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Astrological transits are cyclical and should always be adapted sensibly to what's going on in your life and the world.

About the Transit Report

This report is designed to show and interpret transits that are within orb on a particular day at the time of day of your visit. The table reflects transits in effect at the specified time in GMT. Some influences come and go on the same day, while others can stick with you for days, months, and even years.

Why do values and orbs change for a particular day? This is because transits keep moving--they don't freeze from midnight one day to midnight the next. Some faster-moving planets, especially the Moon, move into or out of orb on the same day. The above transits are a snapshot at the current time of day.

What do the numbers next to the transit names mean?

The column entitled "Worth" assigns a positive or negative value to each transit. These numbers also appear next to the transit interpretations and are part of a weighting system designed to quantify the relative strength of an aspect. The larger the number, the stronger we expect that transit to be.

With this weighting system, a positive value/worth is considered harmonious, and a negative value is considered challenging. Factors that determine the Worth value are the nature of the planets, aspects, and the orb of influence.

For example, a weight (or worth) of 35 suggests the transit is a harmonious influence of moderate strength. A weight of 420 indicates the transit is quite strong and harmonious. If you see a worth of -10, the transit is relatively weak and disharmonious.

On the other hand, "Orb" values are the exact distance in degrees away from a transit's exactitude. The larger the orb value, the weaker an aspect is. Put another way, the larger the orb value, the greater the distance an aspect is from being exact. An orb of 0°00' is exact, and an aspect with an orb of less than 1 degree (that is, from 0°00' to 0°59') is considered strong. Thus the smaller the orb value, the stronger and more influential the aspect is.

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